ThinkTank's July 2022 Meet

RisingIndia ThinkTank's brief meeting on Sustainable Entrepreneurship


7/25/20223 min read

Collective wisdom invited enthusiast to leap on entrepreneurship with an ideology to focus on quality each one can bring in rising India

For the session conducted on July 23, 2022 the one important question with a small participants was how about working professional and if there is an opportunity for a working professional wanting to leverage the availability of time to pursue their dreams for starting up.

Let us understand why anyone would like to take up an extra work popularly known as side hustle, it majorly to leap on entrepreneurship but minimizing the fear of failure at the same time. The IIP program with RisingIndia ThinkTank provides an opportunity to explore entrepreneurship pathway

Millennials are tech savvy, collaborative and focused with expectation of having flexibility. Many people are aware about the culture and flexibility RisingIndia team is inculcating in the work environment which inspires and encourages people to be part of such an innovative concept

Let us enlist the major components of having being created an agile work environment:

- The ThinkTank catalyzes all three stakeholders (Startups - Investors - Corporates) to meaningfully engage and find synergies for mutual success by providing a framework where the finest ideas are curated, researched, validated, refined, conceptualized for scale and partnered with Corporates
- Services leading labs for research with the support of thought leaders for mentorship, experts to file patents/conduct valuations / create business plans, specialists to enable effective Technology Transfers, entry into top platforms for Global market access
- An investor network that supports the journey to its logical end. If you have a strong willingness, professional behavior and business acumen.
- Ultimately the ThinkTank brings the business FOR yourself, but you are NOT BY yourself, the professional coaching will be inspiring to work towards to goals set
- Being an entrepreneurial opportunity which commands creativity and seldom need to have a prior business experience BUT strong willingness, professional behavior and business acumen

An entrepreneurial opportunity will make an enthusiastic personnel get over the regular monthly pay and shares the profits. The participants were then advised to schedule time with us for an 1:1 to know specifically on case to case basis.

The young generation generally referred as Gen Z is digitally aware, practical and willing to diverse their options. However, at the same time the expectation of stability has grown when it comes to working for someone. Such scenario lead them to explore various options with minimal risk to their stable work. Sustainable Internship Program by TreeAndHumanKnot is very popular among Gen Z

We often ask in our monthly sessions to have opinion on the most important factor impacting success of a startup.

RisingIndia ThinkTank would like to extend this deliberation for everyone to share their opinion:
Strength of an entrepreneur’s idea seem to be the biggest factor responsible for a business’s success;
1. An Idea founder set the vision, mission and values
2. Operating and executing the Idea while maintaining the above business plan can be done by competent team and collaboration who not only act as team but shadow the vision set by the founder
3. Capital including working capital through bootstrapping, line of credit or funding to run and sometimes burn at initial stages of the venture
4. Timing of entering the market which may lead venture to prominence despite a chaotic or competitive market

You may include your answer on the page and participate in the entrepreneurship survey available on ThinkTank's page and it will also get you an invite to participate in the next event an experienced speaker from America

The session was attended by few people but we believe "one person is enough to make a difference, but do you believe you can make a difference?

Please explore other sections of the website mainly Next Startup and Join us in RisingIndia if you believe in yourself!

"The sign of life is strength and growth. The sign of death is weakness. Whatever is weak, avoid! It is death. If it is strength, go down into hell and get hold of it! There is salvation only for the brave." ~ Swami Vivekananda
All weakness, all bondage is imagination. Speak one word to it, it must vanish. Do not weaken! There is no other way out…. Stand up and be strong! No fear. No superstition. Face the truth as it is! If death comes — that is the worst of our miseries — let it come! We are determined to die game
Be strong and stand up and seek the God of Love. This is the highest strength. What power is higher than the power of purity? Love and purity govern the world. This love of God cannot be reached by the weak; therefore, be not weak, either physically, mentally, morally or spiritually. The Lord alone is true. Everything else is untrue; everything else should be rejected for the salve of the Lord. Vanity of vanities, all is vanity. Serve the Lord and Him alone
Believe in yourself and in your faith. Be strong and hopeful and unashamed, and remember that with something to take, we have immeasurably more to give than any other people in the world

Keep progressing
Keep growing
Thank You!
“We believe in peace and peaceful development, not only for ourselves but for people all over the world”